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  • Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults - Awardees Jan 2025
January 17th 2025

Along with other Third Sector Interface’s throughout Scotland, Voluntary Action Shetland distributed a 4th year of the Scottish Government Community Mental Health and Wellbeing Fund for Adults to support community activity until March 2026.

Shetland’s allocation for year 4 totalled £71,944.46 and with some repaid funds from a previous year, the total to allocate was £74,072.46

The overarching aim of the Fund is to:

Support community based initiatives that promote and develop good mental health and wellbeing and/or mitigate and protect against the impact of distress and mental ill health within the adult population (aged 16 or over), with a particular focus on prevention and early intervention.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. Tackle mental health inequalities through supporting a range of ‘at risk groups

2. Address priority issues of social isolation and loneliness, suicide prevention and poverty and inequality with a particular emphasis on responding to the cost of living crisis and support to those facing socio-economic disadvantage.

3. Support small ‘grass roots’ community groups and organisations to deliver such activities.

4. Provide opportunities for people to connect with each other, build trusted relationships and revitalise communities.

The Fund directly contributes to Outcome 4 of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy published in June 2023:

“Better equipped communities to support people’s mental health and wellbeing and provide opportunities to connect with others”

It also clearly supports the three key areas of focus in the Strategy:

  • Promote positive mental health and wellbeing for the whole population, improving understanding and tackling stigma, inequality and discrimination;
  • Prevent mental health issues occurring or escalating and tackle underlying causes, adversities and inequalities wherever possible; and
  • Provide mental health and wellbeing support and care, ensuring people and communities can access the right information, skills, services and opportunities in the right place at the right time, using a person-centred approach.

18 Community Groups/Organisations Received Funding to Support Initiatives


Name of Organisation


Amount Awarded


Shetland Bereavement Support Service

Support costs to deliver group support in a central location to those affected by bereavement



Relationship Scotland Shetland

Support training costs for staff – systemic family therapy and workplace mediation training




Support costs for a twice weekly drop in space for young people aged 16 to 25 years



Shetland Link Up

Support costs to expand space to deliver activities for their service users



Bressay Development Ltd

Support costs to run a regular social group for older people in the community to connect and engage in purposeful activities



Mind your Head

Support costs to deliver Low Level Wellness Programme for Adults



Shetland Care Attendant Scheme

Support costs to provide unpaid carers a break and Care Attendants staff wellbeing provision



Shetland Community Connections

Support costs to run a weekly cuppa connections group and transport costs



Yell Art Group

Support costs to run an Art group for adults in Yell




Support costs for delivering a restorative justice programme between the offender and the people they have harmed



Shetland Womens Aid

Support costs for providing “Own my Life and Wellbeing” programme for service users



Scalloway Youth & Community Centre

Support costs towards running a regular adult social club through the day for older members of the community.



SWAN Scotland

Support costs to develop a Shetland peer support group for local autistic women and non-binary people



Ability Shetland

Support costs to provide family provision – supporting parents/carers of children with disabilities



Menopause Shetland

Support costs towards running Menopause cafes throughout Shetland and providing 1:1 support



Bigton Collective

Support costs to run a block of creative group work for parents of neurodivergent and/or disabled children



Bressay Parkrun

Support transport costs for adult volunteers who organise and set up the weekly parkrun in Bressay



Sporting Memories

Support costs to run 2 local sporting memories clubs for older members of the community


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